I’m excited to introduce Field Day to the world! This is an app I’ve been working on with a great team for almost a year now. If you are a teacher with an iPad who loves PBL, get in touch with me and I’ll get you a code to try it out early.
Specially designed for Project Based Learning, Field Day manages the challenges teachers create to engage students with real-world issues. Students customize their own Challenge and use the app’s tools to develop questions, create strategies, and collect data to answer real-world challenges — all with 21st century competency at the core.
HISTORY: In the summer of 2013 educators from around the world tested the beta version of the Field Day iPad app together in small, hands-on teams while exploring the power of place at the University of Alaska Southeast.
FUTURE: On March 27, 2014, you can install this free iPad app from the iTunes App Store.