Is the type of media we trust linked to political beliefs?

Pew's new Politics on Social Networking Sites study ( shows Democrats and liberals place more importance on social media than Republicans or Independents. This seems to fit with the Democratic party's outreach through sites like Tumblr and Reddit while the Republican party concentrates on the value of advertising ( in social media. Google+: View post […]

Whenever I read about the differences between social media and other media because…

Whenever I read about the differences between social media and other media because they are platforms it reminds me of this excellent insight from Tarleton Gillespie. Embedded Link eCommons@Cornell: The Politics of ‘Platforms’ Title: The Politics of ‘Platforms’. Authors: Gillespie, Tarleton. Keywords: platform YouTube. Google policy discourse distribution video. Internet. Issue Date: 20-May-2009. Abstract: Online […]